Jon F. Steiner
Wow! Very few people know the story behind "Moon Man". I will share it with you since you (Paul Ayers) brought it up. I am sure it has been a burning question in everyone's mind these past 55 years. When I was 13 years old, I got my first Morning Times paper route. The first day on the job at 3 a.m. in the "Hole" ,where papers were distributed and folded for delivery, I was met by older paperboys. They were junior and seniors in high school. They pulled a knife on me and told me that I couldn't fold my papers where all the other paperboys folded their papers, that they were in charge of the "Hole", and I had better do as they said if I didn't want to get hurt. I would have to fold my papers in an area up by the press where the huge rolls of paper were kept. They would depants me and put my bike up on the fire escape ladder on the Elks building. In those days, you didn't tell anyone about the situation: you just dealt with it yourself. So, having a great imagination and a good vocabulary, I started making up stories about outer space. It soon became a daily event where they would ask questions, and I would make up some fantastic story. Soon, I became one of their buddies and they no longer bothered me. As Paul Harvey would have said, " That's the rest of the story".