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Ann Abston (Milton)
Marlene Allen (Ingle)
Mary Lou Alter (Kays)
Lana Baker (Graves)
Sharon Bamberger (Hussong)
Robert Boyer
MaryBeth Branam (Dowden)
Leah Chandler (Henderson)
Michael Clark
Richard Clidence
Dee Clouser (Hicks)
Linda Cooper (Howe)
Dan Davis
Phil Davis
Bonnie Dearth (Dirbas)
Fred Denham
Joe Doan
Gary Donoho
Sue Edington (Rodkey)
Mary Edwards
Janet Ferguson (Pickering)
Stan Fickle
Janie Ford (Lank)
Sarah Gephart (Brown)
David Gibbs
Yvonne Gillum (Hale)
Donald Goodnight
Donald Greeno
Sharon Gustavel (Costlow)
Sandy Hall (Arion)
Virginia Hall (Grosswiler)
Mick Hardy
Glenda Harlan (Fearnow)
Carol Harrison (Geske)
Chuck (Charles) Harshman
Larry Harshman
Pat Henderson (Burrello)
Judy Higer (Rule)
Robert Hizer
Connie Hollis (Wimmer)
Bob Howe
Keith Howe
Pat Huffer (Akard)
Jim Keedy
Kenneth Kellams
Nancy Kraner (Arimura)
Joyce Laughner (Boyer)
Peggy Leader (Mang)
Charles Lingelbaugh
Rebecca Lucas (Rogers)
Art Ludford
Ron Mang
Cecelia Marsh (Purciful)
Karen McCarty (Myers)
Donald Meeks
Sandy Moore (Crousore)
Susan Morrison (Gagnon)
Connie Myers (Pitzer)
Robert Nall
Judy Neal (Tracy)
Stephanie Price (Renick)
Madeline Pyatt (Smith)
Becky Rhodes (Turner)
Karen Rice (Howe)
Mary Ann Riche (Richards)
Mary Ann Ruckle (Hanna)
Richard Scott
Sara Scott (Dowden)
David Sebree
Jim Sexton
Beth Sheets (Bailey)
Harry Sheets
Steve Shepard
Jill Smith (Allen)
Ron Smith
Stanley "Deano" Snyder
Ed Spray
Barbara Storz (Mondary)
Carol Sutton (Love)
Steve Thornburg
Nancy Weaver (Davis)
Dan Weber
Victor Welty
Mary Ann Winter (Wiebers)
Larry Yakovich
Gary Zink